Wednesday 14 August 2013


The call for the course starting September 2014 is now open! Applications will be accepted through their website till November 30th, 2013.

Further information after the cut.....

Eligibility: Students

The "Astrophysics" Erasmus Mundus Masters Course is open to students of all nationalities that fulfill these minimum requirements:
Hold a Bachelor degree in Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, or Mathematics (or a recognized Degree that certifies an equivalent amount of learning in the same field, quantified as 3 years of previous studies corresponding to at least 180 credits in the European Credit Transfer System) or expect to obtain it latest by August of the starting year of the Masters Course (i.e. by August 2014 for the course starting in September 2014);
Have a good and certified knowledge of the English language (the certification is not necessary for native speakers). Check the list of accepted tests and scores (see: How to apply).

All students that come from a country of the European Union or an EEA-EFTA State (Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein) or students that either are residents or have carried out their main activity (study, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last 5 years (as of Feb 28th, 2014) in one of these countries can apply for a scholarship in the category "European students" (Category B).
All other students, including students coming from Switzerland, Turkey, and Western Balkan Countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244-99, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) can apply for a scholarship in the category "Third Country students" (Category A).
Students who fulfill the requirements of both categories (e.g. students with a double nationality) must select one of the two categories!

Eligibility: Academics

The "Astrophysics" Erasmus Mundus Masters Course invites Third Country academics of all nationalities to apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship to carry out activities of teaching and/or research at one of our four European consortium universities in the framework of the Masters Course for short periods that range from a minimum of 2 weeks to a maximum of 3 months.
European academics are eligible for Erasmus Mundus scholarships only if they are members of one of the four European consortium universities and wish to spend a period at the University of Belgrade (our Third Country partner).
Applicants should bear in mind that English is the official language of the Masters Course.
The minimum requirements for eligibility are:
  • Holding a PhD or equivalent
  • Having a long-standing experience of teaching at graduate level
The same definitions of "European" and "Third Country" given above for students apply for academics as well.

Click on Scholarship website to get more information

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