Tuesday 20 August 2013


Hi everyone,

Here is an amazing opportunity for students and young faculty to attend a fully paid summer school which will cover a broad range of theoretical and experimental topics relevant to the Hard Probes 2013 conference.

Please forward this mail to other students/young faculty who might be interested, There is still plenty place available, please do not let potential candidates miss out on this excellent opportunity

Read the invitation Letter and further information after the cut...
Dear Heads of Department and Colleagues,

We are happy to announce that the University of Cape Town will host a summer school on high energy particle physics from October 30 - November 3. An excellent group of international lecturers will cover a broad range of theoretical and experimental topics relevant to the Hard Probes 2013 conference, for which this is a pre-conference school. Our goal for the school is to specifically provide students and young researchers including academic staff at South African institutions an opportunity to broaden their skills and to profit from attending the conference.

We specifically target

  •  young African students
  • junior academic staff interested in the topic even without prior experience

and would ask you to specifically forward this to potential candidates.

Support for young scientists to attend the Hard Probes conference is tied to attending the summer school, so we expect an exciting mix of both South African and international participants at the school. The first two days of the school, Oct 30 - Oct 31, are dedicated to African students and will cover foundational material. The last three days of the school, Nov 1 - Nov 3, will concentrate on subjects relevant to practicing young experimental and theoretical Hard Probes physicists.

Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, we will cover the local accommodation costs during the school and the transportation costs to Stellenbosch for the start of the conference. All participants of the summer school are highly encouraged to apply for support for the conference, which may take the form of a reduced registration fee and/or support for local accommodations in Stellenbosch during the conference. Special consideration will be given to women and applicants from historically disadvantaged backgrounds.
There is also limited support for travel to Cape Town for students and young researchers from historically disadvantaged institutions.

Since the number of places at the school is limited, we urge all that are interested to apply early. An application packet should include a CV, a brief description of the applicant's current research project, and a letter of recommendation from their supervisor or postdoctoral mentor. The packet should be sent to the summer school secretary, Mrs. Margaret Maich, at Margaret.Maich@uct.ac.za.

Further information and any forthcoming updates can be found at http://www.phy.uct.ac.za/hp2013/school.php

Please forward this notice to any potentially interested parties, and if you have any questions feel free to send them to Mrs. Margaret Maich at Margaret.Maich@uct.ac.za.

Best regards, Heribert Weigert and W.A. Horowitz for the LOC
phone:  +27 21 650 4706;                           fax: +27 21 650 3342;
e-mail: heribert.weigert@uct.ac.za;    heribert.weigert@physik.uni-r.de;
postal: A/Prof. H. Weigert, director CTMP,      University of Cape Town; 
        Dept. of Physics, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa;

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